
Tharros fish

8 October 2013
Thumbnail image for Tharros fish

A company which is producing bottarga.

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Tharros Pesca

8 October 2013
Thumbnail image for Tharros Pesca

Un’azienda che produce la bottarga del muggine e del tonno.

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La Peschieria di “Pesaria” gestita dalla cooperativa “Pescatori di Santa Giusta”

5 October 2012
Thumbnail image for La Peschieria di “Pesaria” gestita dalla cooperativa “Pescatori di Santa Giusta”

Una peschiera che si trova lungo un canale.

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The Sà Pischera é Mar é Pontis society, a food community

26 March 2010
Thumbnail image for The Sà Pischera é Mar é Pontis society, a food community

A fishery located along a canal where fish are passing from a lake to the sea.

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