A fishery located at a canal between a lake and the sea
Una peschiera che si trova lungo un canale.
Husband and wife making and selling cakes and pastries
Marito e moglie fanno i dolci tipici manualmente.
Un Presidio Slow Food dove si coltiva lo zafferano.
A small farm producing saffron in accordance with strict rules
A farm cultivating olive trees and producing olive oil
Un’azienda dove si coltivano la varieta’ “Nera di Villacidro” e “Nero di Gonnosfanadiga”.
A farm cultivating vegetables for their snails
Si allevano le lumache in quest’azienda.
Un’azienda dove si fanno i liquori tipici della Sardegna.
Maker of liqueurs based on local plants
Un’azienda dove si allevano i cavallini della Giara.
A farm using horses from the Giara for mental and physical therapy for children.
Husband and wife breeding bees and making honey-based products
Un’azienda dove si allevano le api e vende il miele.
Eating is an agricultural act. - Wendell Berry
"The destiny of a nation depends on the manner in which it feeds itself. " - Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin