The confectionery of Melania and Rosanna

by admin on 19/03/2010


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The tradition of making pastries in Sardinia, and in particular in the village of Palmadula has been passed among generations for centuries. Unfortunately, this ancient tradition has been petering out the last decades, but thanks to Melania and Rosanna, this trend has been reversed. They recently founded a small confectionery where their young and able hands are making typical Sardinian pastries like

  • papassinos (pastries made from almonds, nuts and raisins)
  • seadas (containing thready cheese and lemon)
  • formagelle (ricotta mixed with orange peel placed on a dough of drum wheat with high and wavy edges)
  • quazza di Jerda (a special winter bread containg a mixture of pork rind, stellar shaped anise and vanilla)
  • tiricche (composed of turnips, shredded orange peel, almonds and honey)

Maybe Melania e Rosanna decided to continue these centuries old traditions of pastry making because their great grandmothers and grandmothers were making the same pastries. This can be confirmed by the fact that the women of Palmadula are very determined and full of initiative dating from the origin of this community: a small group of small-holders and shepherds founded Palmadula some centuries ago. In fact, history narrates that a woman, Peppa di Nurra, was the chief of the first settlement arriving on horseback, coming from the Nuorese mountains together with a group of people living nearby looking for a place to settle. On arrival, the landscape was covered with Mediterranean maquis and numerous dwarf palms (giving the place its name Palmadula). Passing through Palmadula nowadays, you can again eat characteristic Sardinian pastries at the confectionery of Melania and Rosanna

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