A group of shepherds staying in the Tarcău mountains with a large number of animals.
A family who work as herbalists.
People and dogs searching for truffles.
A family-run farm and farnhouse dairy.
A small farm with cows and a farmhouse dairy.
A small-family drivien farm with a flock of goats.
A smallfarm with a bakery and a farm shop.
5 possibilities for volunteering.
A small sourdough bakery with excellent products.
A short course on some common, edible weeds.
A seminar on improving topsoil quality.
A short course where we learned how to grow microgreens.
Artigiani che fanno pani e delizie.
A small, family-owned bakery and confectionery.
A farm, which was founded in 1830.
Un’azienda agricola che produce tanti tipi di cibi e bevande.
A family-owned sheep farm.
Una fattoria dove le pecore vengono date una miscela dic bi che diminusce i grassi dannosi nel latte.
Un caseificio che produce tanti tipi di pecorino.
A dairy cooperative which produces a wide range of sheep’s cheeses.
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Eating is an agricultural act. - Wendell Berry
"The destiny of a nation depends on the manner in which it feeds itself. " - Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin