
Antonio Vence – vermouth producer

9 June 2016
Thumbnail image for Antonio Vence – vermouth producer

A man who is making high quality vermouth at affordable prices.

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Gabriela Gorostiza – cook

8 June 2016
Thumbnail image for Gabriela Gorostiza – cook

A woman who enjoys cooking and who does catering.

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Chocolates de Mendaro – chocolate producer

8 June 2016
Thumbnail image for Chocolates de Mendaro – chocolate producer

A small family-owned company where choclate has been produced for more than 150 years.

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Salanort – seafood producer

8 June 2016
Thumbnail image for Salanort – seafood producer

A small famiy-owned seafood producer of anchovies, tuna and octopuses.

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Sandra Lejarza – cattle farmer

7 June 2016
Thumbnail image for Sandra Lejarza – cattle farmer

A woman who raises a flock of cattle on her own.

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Bizkarra bakery and confectionery

7 June 2016
Thumbnail image for Bizkarra bakery and confectionery

A family-owned bakery and confectionery where delicious breads and sweets are made.

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Txakoli Txabarri winery

5 June 2016
Thumbnail image for Txakoli Txabarri winery

A small family-owned winery producing txakoli.

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Ana Mari Llaguno – vegetable producer

5 June 2016
Thumbnail image for Ana Mari Llaguno – vegetable producer

A woman who is growing a wide range of vegetables next to her house.

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Magora bakery

4 June 2016
Thumbnail image for Magora bakery

A tiny bakery and confectionery making products without gluten and milk.

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Vista Alegre farm and farmhouse dairy

4 June 2016
Thumbnail image for Vista Alegre farm and farmhouse dairy

A small family-owned farm producing yogurt, milk and cheese.

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Lurrarte – fruit producers

3 June 2016
Thumbnail image for Lurrarte – fruit producers

A small-scale producers of kiwifrutis and apples.

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Joseba Insausti – shepherd

3 June 2016
Thumbnail image for Joseba Insausti – shepherd

A young shepherd who stays at a mountain hut in summer and he’s milking his sheep daily.

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Aranburu brothers – sheep farmers

2 June 2016
Thumbnail image for Aranburu brothers – sheep farmers

A family-owned farm with about 1200 sheep.

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Basazabal farm and farmhouse dairy

2 June 2016
Thumbnail image for Basazabal farm and farmhouse dairy

A farm where sheep’s milk is turned into Idiazabal cheese.

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Agrotourism Ondarre

2 June 2016
Thumbnail image for Agrotourism Ondarre

A small family-run farm and inn.

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Oiharte cider house and restaurant

1 June 2016
Thumbnail image for Oiharte cider house and restaurant

A cider house producing organic apple cider.

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Garoa farmhouse dairy

1 June 2016
Thumbnail image for Garoa farmhouse dairy

A family-owned farm and farmhouse dairy.

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Ordizia market and Restaurante Martinez

1 June 2016
Thumbnail image for Ordizia market and Restaurante Martinez

An outdoor market, which has been running weekly, for more than 500 years.

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Iker Villasana – vegetable, herb and fruit farmer

31 May 2016
Thumbnail image for Iker Villasana – vegetable, herb and fruit farmer

A farmer who willingly cultivates edible plants , which are unknown to most people.

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Nutripolen beekeepers

30 May 2016
Thumbnail image for Nutripolen beekeepers

A family-run company, which sells honey and pollen.

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