A small family-driven, organic farm using their cow’s milk to produce various types of cheese
A small village located in a valley along a creek teeming with life
Kneading the dough by, baking the bread in a wood-fired oven
A sheepfold located near Saschiz having lots of sheep and a few goats
A small farm from which you can buy jams and pickled chilis
A small company turning local fruits into juices and jams
An English company which is breeding buffaloes
Father and son who keep bees next to their house
A herd of goats provide milk for producing various types of cheese
A woman who makes jams and salads in addtion to drying herbs.
A visit to a village in Transylvania where animals and people live in harmony
Stasjonskafe med liv og røre, trivelige mennesker, lokal mat og kulturaktiviteter.
A fish monger in Sandvika selling sea food of prime quality
Fiskeriet en en flott fiskebutikk med kunnskapsrike fagpersoner bak disken.
A mountain farm where high quality dairy products are made.
Familien Nilsen fra Sande driver seterdrift i Tuddal med hester, kyr og griser.
Ferske grønnsaker og god personlig service.
A small, well-stocked and independent shop selling high-quality food and drinks
A husband and wife fishmonger’s selling fish of prime quality.
På Haslum i Bærum får du god sjømat og god service.
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Eating is an agricultural act. - Wendell Berry
"The destiny of a nation depends on the manner in which it feeds itself. " - Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin